How SGD works ?

If the trend is to « Fast Delivery » that is, to ship a retail order directly to a customer as quickly as possible without taking into account the environmental impact of this requirement of temporality, the « "Slow Green Delivery" » is the diametrically opposite principle which consists in registering a delivery process with an extended deadline aimed at reducing energy consumption.

Ainsi, d’une part une bonne temporisation permet de laisser s’accumuler les commandes sur plusieurs semaines chez les vignerons avant de faire déplacer un transporteur, favorisant le groupage. Les allers-retours quotidiens de véhicules sont donc remplacés par un déplacement Bi-monthly travel.

D’autre part, l’effet de concentration au départ permettra au transporteur de regrouper les commandes issues de plusieurs domaines viticoles le même jour, pour les acheminées en un seul mouvement vers un point de collecte centralisé : le caviste. Le transport gagnera en performance par la mutualisation naturelle que le groupage génère.

But also, transport is carried out exclusively during temperate seasons in order to avoid the impact of temperature on wine and the need to resort to air-conditioning transport for to respect the quality of the wines. (Pas de livraison en juillet août et janvier février)

Finally the carrier will bring all the orders in the partner relay points closest to the customers. These relay points are wine merchants who have the ability to receive wines correctly and store them in the best conditions. They are great professionals who know the fragility and rarity of beautiful bottles. This scheme allows the consumer to remove parcels at his convenience which avoids the dispersion of delivery trucks in the cities and therefore limits again the environmental impact.

Stay In Touch With is the precursor of the principle of "Slow Green Delivery". SGD

  • environmental approach.
  • Reduction of energy consumption.

  • there's no rush - to order bottles of wine

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